Alex Urrea


Alex Urrea
Managing Partner
Alex has been leading educational companies for over 20 years. His passion is to reach as many learners as possible by leveraging technology to personalize the learning process and give teachers and students an active voice in their education. At Eduscape, Alex invests his time collaborating with a great team and best in class partners to provide schools the support they need to design and nurture engaging and exemplary learning environments and integrate STEM Education in every classroom. Eduscape is the only privately-held organization authorized by ISTE to deliver their ISTE Educator Certification; they are a leading Microsoft Global Education Partner and Google for Education Partner; the company has also designed STEM Academies for over 20 leading STEM Education companies originating from seven (7) countries. Eduscape Global was recently launched with offices in China and Canada; the company is also the U.S. Operations partner for Beijing Normal University. Alex has recently been selected to be the Chairman of the Beijing Normal University’s Foreign Experts Committee on Innovation in Education. He is Managing Partner of Elevation Learning, a Social Impact Fund launching this fall with approximately USD 300 million in capital to invest in primarily education companies with “Best in Class” product offerings. He is Chairman of the West Bergen Foundation, which supports mental wellness initiatives for primarily children who suffer from depression, Autism, Asperger’s and other mental health challenges. He is also the Founder and Chief Innovation Officer for Global Innovations in Education, a nonprofit that supports innovative educational initiatives that builds teacher capacity, elevates their teaching practices, and delivers leadership development for school leaders.