Prof. Francesc Pedró


9FB592EE-FA8C-49D5-82B9-39CC67C251F7UNESCO Education Policy

Prof. Francesc Pedró joined UNESCO’s education sector in Paris (France) in 2010, where he leads the organization’s work on education policies. His multinational team carries out national policy reviews and comparative international research in areas such as the monitoring and assessment of education, policies to support school leadership and emerging issues in governance in developing countries. Prior to this he worked at the OECD Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI). In his capacity as senior policy analyst, he was responsible for a number of projects including the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) and the New Millennium Learners Project. He was also in charge of the reviews of educational R&D in OECD countries and of a project on Systemic Innovation in Education.

Between 1998 and 2005 he was professor of comparative education and public policies at the Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona) and academic director of its program for educational quality. He also chaired the university entrance examinations system in Catalonia. Prior to this, he was pro-vice chancellor of educational research and innovation, as well as of international relations, at the Open University of Catalonia (Barcelona), the first Internet-based European public university.

Francesc (Barcelona, 1960) got his MEd degree from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a PhD in Comparative Education from UNED (Madrid). Later he did a postdoc in Comparative Public Policy at the University of London Institute of Education.

His most recent publications are: Are the New Millennium Learners Making the Grade? Technology Use and Educational Performance in PISA (2010), Inspired by Technology, Driven by Pedagogy (2010), Tecnología y educación: lo que funciona y porqué (2011), Connected Minds. Technology and Today’s Learners (2012), Le numérique : une chance pour l’école (2013), and Promising Education Policy Levers For 2030 (forthcoming).

Contact Information
7, Place de Fontenoy
75352 Paris 07, SP France
